LAST UPDATED ON March 10, 2025.

Legal Information

We are in no affiliation with Culpeper Middle School or the Culpeper Schools District. We are purely a simple and fun project hosting this page utilizing free web services. We do not plan to begin profitting off of what our school provides. We do not take credit in designing or creating the Cougar logo. The logo was found using a basic google search. Our site's main goal is to create a safe and easy way to socialize with other students, making sure that no form of cyber-bullying, threats, and unsafe content is on our site.

We are not required to disclose who is currently developing this site or the original author of the idea. If you have any requests or would like to ask for this site to be taken down due to possible guideline violations or legal issues, please contact us with the provided information at the end of this page. We do not speak legalese, so this was made to inform of what our site does, our goal, and how we can respond if we violate any certain guidelines.

If you would like to contact us regarding about any infringement of trademarks or any content that is protected by copyright, please email us at